the Portal

We believe an accessible and inclusive society is possible. Education is an important step.

About the Portal

Welcome to the Community Education Hub

The Community Education HUB is Manitoba Possible’s new online learning portal for courses and workshops on accessibility and inclusion. The HUB looks to provide educational content on the standards of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act and will include other courses such as disability awareness workshops. This one-stop shop is a valuable resource for Manitobans who want to learn how we can work together to create an accessible and inclusive society.

Why learning is so important

The barriers experienced by persons with disabilities are often related to a lack of knowledge on how to make a space or provide a service in an accessible way. By learning together, we will be able to understand the challenges that persons with disabilities experience in their everyday interactions, and strategies on how we can identify, remove, and prevent these barriers from occurring. Through learning, we will all be better prepared to provide an accessible and inclusive experience.

Want more?

The Community Education and Training program at Manitoba Possible is able to provide in – person and virtual workshops for your company or organization. These workshops can provide a specific lens that is tailored towards the work that you do. For more information on the workshops provided, please visit https://www.manitobapossible.ca/community-education-training

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